Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Indepth on redoing your website!

I will be doing an indepth on Sunday for 15 brave individuals to redo their websites. I think classroom websites are a great management tool not only for the teacher(I feel so prepared when I go to class) but a way of connecting with parents and students. We are going to have a fabulous afternoon making pages with an online calendar program, saving your favorites or bookmarks to a web based ikeepbookmarks, making a photo gallery, a page for importing your newsletter to keep your parents informed! I am working on my website, so check for changes here: http://www.garretson.k12.sd.us/tie2007

1 comment:

Darcey said...

I had a lot of fun and managed to get quite a bit accomplished! I'm excited to put more time into my website when I return home. The session was well planned moved along so we were able to get a few pages completed. Thanks, Liz!