Here we are at TIE 2008! This is very exciting for me as this is my first TIE conference! After the afternoon indepth sessions, we participants have gathered in the Convention Center to hear Pat McGill. Several things Pat said have stuck with me:
1) Listen. When you scramble the letters of the word "listen" you get "silent." That's what we as teachers need to be; we need to be silent when we listen.
2) Model. Mentor. Monitor.
3) 80% of Baby Boomers who leave the classroom will open a business or find a nother profession. None will retire.
4) Pat's 5 r's: Real, Rural, Ready, Reachable, and Remarkable
5) Sometimes we don't have to say anything, just being present is enough.
6) After showing us 5 shapes, Pat asked us to choose the one that we most identified with. Then she revealed what those choice mean:
Boxes keep us on task; they are not time wasters.
Rectangles are in transition or change; do not stay in rectangle mode for more than two years.
Triangles will take charge when something is falling apart.
Circles (70% of South Dakotans are circles) are great listeners, great team players, and whole- brained.
Squiggles are creative; they ask why?
6) Pat suggested reading
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Speak with Integrity.
Quit Taking things Personally.
Don't make assumptions.
Always do your best.
If you ever get a chance to see Pat McGill, I would encourage you to do so.